[text_output]This week the guys talk about their experience at the podcast meet up, recap some of the games, discuss why the Rangers are still playing Kampfer and Carey, a week full of points, the good and the bad and then invite on Brandon Fitzpatrick of GSN to break down what to do with Rick Nash come the trade deadline
Congrats to Luke Dawson on winning our podcast worn Jersey!
Stayed tuned for more information about our next meetup, this time at a bar!
Not sure links work in these things but more information here redd.it/7fx11o or look for the stickied post on /r rangers reddit[/text_output][x_audio_embed id=”” class=”” style=””][/x_audio_embed]

Author: Constantine Chutis
Constantine is the Web Master of Blueshirts Breakaway.
People call him Dean.
Video game enthusiast, Ranger Fanatic.
All around swell guy.