0:44 – The boys are back to reflect on the trade deadline now that they’ve had a week to think about everything. Then, they talk about the 3-game Western Canada win streak, Hank’s back to back 50 save performances before getting to a slew of ALL STAR GUESTS.
23:24 – Drew Way (@Drews_Way) comes on to talk about the new NYR prospects, what they could become and the upcoming draft
47:38 – Brandon Cohen stops by to talk AV’s role with the team going forward
1:13:57 – Brandon Fitzpatrick (@FitzGSN)hangs out while talking about the NHL-level players we got in return at the trade deadline and their future with the NYR along with the return of Rick Nash.
1:40:06 – Bryan Wojtanik(@BryanWojtanik)graces the guys with his presence, attempting to talk about what life is like being a Rangers fan now before devolving as always into complete nonsense and starting a radio civil war.[/text_output]

Author: Constantine Chutis
Constantine is the Web Master of Blueshirts Breakaway.
People call him Dean.
Video game enthusiast, Ranger Fanatic.
All around swell guy.